My projects
-, a browser extension to see people's pronouns on the internet
-, a website where you can interact with me over https
- ...and way too much unfinished projects & "side" projects
My work
I've wrangled some software at, an open-core localization platform you can selfhost if you're not into SaaS. I highly recommend checking it out if you're looking for an alternative to proprietary crowdin or bloated weblate. 🙌
Some of my work includes:
- tolgee-cli, a cli to interact with Tolgee easily and extract strings from your code automagically.
- vite-plugin-i18n-tolgee, a proof of concept at compile-time based localization tooling for the Web via a Vite plugin, featuring ICU pre-processing, static analysis and error-checking, and more.
- ...and some contributions to Tolgee itself.